This term at nursery we have been busy celebrating Harvest and Autumn. We have enjoyed exploring the different colours and textures at this time of year; cooking apple tarts and baking bread, colour mixing and clay modelling. We have been out and about in the school grounds and bare foot in our Autumn tuff spot. […]
Category Archives: Blog
This term we started learning the story of The Gingerbread Man. The story helped us get ready for our sports afternoon with the reception children. We also went to the school kitchens to see how they make gingerbread men for the whole school. The story also led us to think about journeys and the different […]
Panda and Badger class had been really looking forward to welcoming lots of visitors to our school for #fantasticfutures week. We have enjoyed listening to them talk about their jobs and joining in with lots of exciting activities this week. On Monday we were very excited by the ‘explosive’ start to our week with Mathew […]
Y4 were set an engineering challenge inspired by CECA. We had to design and build a bridge which spanned 30 cm. Not only did we need to think about the length, we needed to ensure it was as strong, as it needed to hold a cup of as many 1p coins as possible. Not only […]
Year 3 have had a fantastic time designing their own wind turbine. They completed the challenge set by STEM Learning.
Y4 had a wonderful visit from Wessex Water. We learnt about different careers offered at Wessex and were set a challenge to filter sewerage (luckily it was only pretend!) We had to consider three things; quality, quantity and cost. We had to use our best team work and scientific knowledge in order to be successful. […]
Dragonfly Class – Day 3 Fantastic Futures Week Our day began by logging onto an online chat room where we were able to ask questions to 13 different scientists. We asked them about their specialism and how long it took them to become a scientist. We also asked what inspired them and what they enjoy […]
Y6 have had a fantastic time meeting visitors from the MOD. We were challenged to build a rocket, which we then launched. We couldn’t wait to see whose rocket travelled the furthest!
Day three of Fantastic Futures week, has been all about safety. Janaka our site manager, came to nursery to show us all the different tools he uses in his job. He also showed us the safety equipment he uses. You will be pleased to hear that the children were most eager to use the long […]
Y6 had a fantastic morning learning about different courses offered at Bath College. We found out more about Tourism and Travel, Childcare and Health and Social Care. The morning involved taking part in a range of interesting activities based on these areas. Take a look at what we go up to!