Our homework is designed to help you with your learning in the classroom!
Here are our expectations for each year group:
Year 1 and 2 classes: Spelling words (linked to phonics) and basic numeracy skills.
Year 3 and 4 classes: Learn spelling words for your test, complete your spelling sentences in your spelling journals, complete one page of your mental maths homework book.
Year 5 and 6 classes: A piece of literacy or topic work and a page of your mental maths book.
From time to time you may get given a termly homework project based around your topic instead of your weekly literacy or topic work.
we expect all children across the school (including fluent readers) to read at home with a grown up 3-5 times a week. This is learning for life!
Extra Homework
lots of you choose to do extra work at home and bring it in to show us, keep it up!
We always love to see any extra home learning!
Where helpful, we will also upload important homework documents for you (just in case you misplace them!)